Design & Make

Working with bold colours - Summer House

Simply Symmetrical  - Curtain in Dark Teal

Made for a summer house, this large single curtain is a delightfully deep shade of teal. Hanging on oak rings with matching beads it compliments the wooden cladding of the summer house and the beautiful potted plants. It serves its purpose as a fly screen as well as providing shade and privacy.

I jumped in at the deep end with macrame by making a curtain by following a design from a book; other people saw my photos of it and asked me if I could make them a curtain too. I knew that I couldn't sell other people's designs from the books I had so this piece is an original design. I was asked to make something that had geometric patterns, beads, and barrel knots. Inspired by other designers I began to play with ideas and came up with a simple yet effective set of motifs. It was trimmed to size once it was in place. My friends were delighted with the end result and more commissions followed.

Design Process - Kitchen Door Screen

 Yellow Ochre  Waterfall Curtain

This was the first curtain that I designed. I began this curtain project for a standard door frame by cutting the lengths of beautifully soft cotton and attaching them with overhand knots to the 8 wooden rings that I had assembled on a pole. I then attached more strands using reverse larks head knots. I worked out the design as I went and undid parts that didn't flow or were particularly jarring. 

I found that the clusters of square knots appeared to move like water. Using the concept of a waterfall as the basis for this design I continued to work imagining how water might be translated into knots and then added what I considered to be ledges as diamond clusters of knots and then the wooden beads. I then added right-twisting half square knots to form spirals and barrel knots down the remainder of the strands to appear as water spray.

This custom made design was delivered and installed much to the delight of the recipient. 

Design Process - Screen for Patio Doors  

Multiple Colours and Sections

I completed this set of curtains for a large doorway that goes out onto a patio and garden. The client wanted three colours which they chose from my samples in teal, jade, and stone. We discussed how we could combine these colours and it was noted that butterflies were to be included. 

I got to work and drew a design. The teal sections are intended to look like stone pillars. The jade sections look less formal with hanging vines. The stone-coloured section is organic and a loose style using branches, leaves, flowers, and butterflies. I added beads to make it easier to find the centre of the curtains when they were drawn together. 

I placed some details low to the ground to add interest for the client’s grandchildren. It sways pleasingly in a breeze. 

Design Process - Creating Something Special

The Gift

Many people love nature and want those motifs to be included in their home. I have found that leaves, butterflies and flowers are very popular themes. They can look really effective in formal or loose design styles.

In this case the client wanted a curtain on rings, using one colour, for a standard single door; she chose a 4mm cotton cord in Ocean Teal. I came up with this idea for an archway with vines, flowers, and butterflies. The client was happy with the concept and I got to work. This curtain has been made as a gift for a 60th birthday surprise. Commissioned by her mother, with her son-in-laws collaboration, this macrame curtain will be presented to her much-loved daughter. 

Design Process - Playing with 3D shapes

Experimenting and Success

I have been inspired to make things for myself as well as for others. I have been playing with ideas for making lampshades and bags. I am planning to make some wall hangings and incorporate other skills like adding felted wool and weaving in strands of carded yarn. I'm happy to take on new ideas and see where it takes me.

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